Whole School Curriculum Intent

Royles Brook Primary School delivers a fun, relevant, stimulating and challenging curriculum for each and every pupil that attends our school. Our curriculum is organised to ensure that we provide pupils with all of the statutory requirements set out by The National Curriculum (2014) as well as tailoring our curriculum to ensure that it is personalised and very well-suited to the needs of the pupils in our school. As a basis we follow the curriculum produced by Lancashire Professional Development Service and have used this curriculum to develop a learning experience which is bespoke to our school and takes into account the needs of the pupils and the community they live in. 


Our Curriculum Vision Statement

At Royles Brook Primary School we aim to offer a rich and engaging school experience in which children are willing partners in their own learning 

We aim to

Always provide exciting and engaging lessons which revisit and reinforce pupil’s previous knowledge, skills and understanding, whilst promoting a life long love of learning. 

Make sure we always promote happy, effective relationships that are based on respect for ourselves and each other. 

British values are encompassed into the curriculum in ensuring that we make decisions together, whilst also understanding and embracing a tolerance of other races, religions and ways of life.

Inspire pupils to be imaginative and inquisitive learners through engaging in real life opportunities and experiences with a variety of visits and visitors in our school locality and wider world.

Teach pupil's to appreciate human achievements and aspirations.

Instill a passion for reading fluency through developing early reading skills which are underpinned by the systematic synthetic phonics programme,  whilst also aiming high with our maths mastery programme following the 5 key principles that ensure all children are achieving depth in their learning. 

Offer opportunities for pupil’s to take responsibility for their learning journey through the use of subject specific knowledge organisers with clearly defined outcomes and creative assessment opportunities.

Understand how pupil's can apply their knowledge and skills revelant to adult life and employment in a fast changing world. 

Sequencing of lessons enables more cognitivley challenging activities across the curriculum based upon previous learning.


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| Find Us

Royles Brook
Primary School

Marsh Road
Thornton Cleveleys,
Lancashire, FY5 2TY

| Contact Us

School Office | 01253 821396

[email protected]

| Head Teacher

Head Teacher | Mrs J McKinnon

[email protected]

| Who we are

SEN | Miss R Lea

[email protected]

School Business Manager | Miss S Uttley

[email protected]

Family Support | Mrs D Lambert

[email protected]